
Who never wanted to discover the RENEWED of a vehicle using only the license plate, isn't it?

To be able to answer questions about a car you are interested in buying or even thinking about renting.


After all, the RENEWED (National Vehicle Registration) is nothing more than the main record of all car history,  since its manufacture.   

It is exactly through RENEWED that we can have access to its year of manufacture…

Date of transfer to the car sales store, the date of its first owner, or even… If there are financial pending issues linked to the vehicle in question. 


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O code RENEWED is of high importance, including this document can be considered as the CPF of a person, however it is that of the car. 


Through RENEWED , we have access to information about:


- Licensing;  

– Employment;

– Thefts;

– Changes in ownership;

– among other relevant information. 

That is, all pertinent information regarding a vehicle. 

Want to know more about Renavam? Then continue your reading until the end! 

Find out how to check the RENAVAM number on the license plate

Many people believe that it is possible to consult the code on one vehicle just by license plate, but this information is not true.

This is because to view the history of the RENEWED it is necessary to have the complete numbering composed by the 11 digits + license plate. 

Remember that the code RENEWED It is an extremely important document, so it cannot be viewed by anyone. 

This data cannot fall into the hands of the wrong people, it only concerns the owner of the vehicle in question. 

Therefore, only people who have access to the CRLV can consult the history for free through the DMV platform. 

But, there are several companies that offer car insurance that work with the availability of this data.

They even manage to analyze the code only by the plate, but these consultations are not free. 

It is necessary to pay a specific plan for this. Usually these are companies that sell car insurance or stores that sell vehicles.

Where to find the code

The Renavam code is located at Vehicle Licensing Certificate (CRLV)

The CRLV is a mandatory document to drive a vehicle in Brazil.

It is located in the upper left corner of the CRLV. The code renavam has 11 digits that normally start with the number zero. 

Get to know the step-by-step guide on how to consult RENAVAM for free through the Detran 

1. Simply access the official website of the Detran in your state with the code RENEWED in hands.

2. Right on the home page look for “Vehicle inquiry”; 

3. Thus, a tab will appear asking for the license plate and number of RENEWED ;

4. Done! Now just check all the information that interests you and that's it! 

These were our tips for people who want to consult in a practical way! 

Enjoy and share this information with a friend who also wants to have access to this information.