We know how dangerous an earthquake is, and we don't want anyone to experience one. The same goes for volcanoes; it's not very common for those that are close to people and cities to activate frequently.

Likewise, it is always good to have an app that alerts you when an earthquake or volcano erupts. So we have brought you an app to track earthquakes and volcanoes.


This time we list the best earthquake and volcano apps from the Google Play Store. They are all free and, of course, one of the most complete.

At the same time, they not only warn you when an earthquake or volcano event occurs, but also where they occur, how dangerous they are, and much more. Learn more about the apps now.

Acompanhar terremotos e vulcões
Monitor earthquakes and volcanoes

My earthquake alerts

To begin, we have brought you one of the most complete applications for detecting earthquakes in the world. With this tool, you can see how many earthquakes occur every day and in real time. You have notifications that alert you about them, as well as everything related to them.


It provides information such as the exact location, depth and distance from you. It also allows you to view the magnitude of earthquakes, to see how strong and destructive they are. It shows the exact coordinates so you can plug in a GPS or website and know the precise point where they originate. 

Earthquakes can be located using a GPS map with easy-to-view graphics or through a list with their respective data.


It has a fairly extensive database and a good search engine that allows you to find out all the earthquakes that have happened since 1970 just by entering search data in the bar.

Supporting notifications that allow you to stay up to date, even when you least expect it. With over 1 million downloads, an excellent and respectable, download now.

Volcanoes and earthquakes

Now if you are looking for an application that shows not only information about earthquakes that happen in the world, but also about volcanoes, this is the ideal application for you.

Showing everything that has happened globally through a map and list, with which you can locate them easily and quickly. It also allows you to know all the active and inactive volcanoes.

It has a news section that shows the most important news about volcanoes that are currently active or causing damage to the world.

When we talk about earthquakes, this application collects and shows everything related to the information of those that occur globally. Since earthquakes are not very frequent, although they include earthquakes of moderate and not very dangerous magnitude.

You can filter them in the app based on their magnitude, distance, depth, and other data of interest. Additionally, if you feel an earthquake, you can share the experience and report your experience so that other users can find out and take precautions.

This application notifies you through notifications about what is happening in the world, regarding volcanoes and earthquakes, the consumption of data packets or bandwidth of the Wi-Fi network to which your cell phone is connected is very low, it is worth noting. Install by clicking on LINK.

SASSLA: Earthquakes in real time

Finally, we have the SASSLA app: Earthquakes in real time. This app can warn you up to 120 seconds in advance when an earthquake or earthquake will occur, so you can be alert and take basic precautions and measures to protect yourself against any disaster.

This tool is capable of interrupting any application or action you are doing on your cell phone. Such as calls, videos, games, lock screen and even ringing in silent mode or in “Do Not Disturb” mode to warn you of approaching danger. It will warn you of the intensity and danger of the earthquake that is about to happen.

Additionally, this app tries to avoid false positives and send you information about earthquakes that simply don't happen in your area. You can see, through different maps, everything about earthquakes, as well as their respective magnitudes, origin, route and intensity. Download it now on your cell phone.

See too: Neymar and Danilo injury