
Today, I want to share with you an incredible new thing that I discovered, ideal for those moments when our hands are busy or simply when we want to impress our friends with something innovative.

Let's talk about the Spatial Touch™, an application that allows us to control our devices just with air gestures!


O Spatial Touch™ is a revolutionary app based on artificial intelligence which allows us to control media applications remotely without having to touch the screen.

Does it work on your cell phone?

O Spatial Touch™ takes security seriously. Even though it uses the camera for gesture recognition, the app does not store or transmit images or videos, keeping our privacy intact.

Download for android.


Plus, it's compatible with a wide range of Android devices, requiring only a Qualcomm Snapdragon 7 series or newer processor and at least 3GB of RAM.

I'm sure that once you start using it, you'll wonder how you ever lived without it.


Whether our hands are busy doing another activity or we simply want to avoid marks on the screen, this app offers us incredible freedom.

With it, you can control platforms like YouTube, Netflix, Disney Plus, Instagram, and many others, all using just manual gestures.

How it works?

Use the Spatial Touch™ It's like having superpowers in your hands.

The application uses the device's camera to recognize our gestures in the air, allowing us to control the device from up to 2 meters away.

This means we can adjust the volume, pause or play media, browse content and even scroll through social media feeds without touching the device.

And the most incredible thing is that it minimizes false gesture detections, making the experience even more accurate and fun.

So, are you ready to try this new feature and control your devices like true technology wizards? Download the Spatial Touch™ and join this adventure with me.

Let's pioneer the future of interaction with devices together, in a way we never imagined possible.

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