Change hair color It is a ritual that people, especially women, normally do when they want to mark a new phase in their lives. 

After all, we know that hair is something of extreme importance in women's self-esteem...


And every time they want to perform an update, they change their hair, isn't that right?

And, thinking in these women who like change hair color To mark a new phase or new stage in your lives, we have prepared these application recommendations. 

These apps are highly recommended for people who like to take care of their hair in a practical and efficient way…


However, they can't waste time making mistakes with their hair, as they have extremely busy lives... 

Want to know which apps are recommended for those who want to change their hair color? Check out all the information below.

Apps for those who want to change their hair color: 

1- Style My Hair


O Style My Hair é o aplicativo que foi desenvolvido pela L’Oreal que que é uma das marcas de produtos de beleza mais conhecida internacionalmente.

And a big difference with this company is that it is one of the largest manufacturers of paints everywhere. 

You know those commercials that are shown on television and are responsible for transmitting the exact moment when celebrities dye their hair… 

So, this app allows people to do simulations to change hair color. 

2- ChouChou Virtual Hair Try-On

This is a good recommendation for lovers of Japanese culture, as the app was created by Japanese people in Japan.

And one of the main focuses of the app is to help people who want to change their hair color and even radically change their look.

And, these haircuts can be changed as many times as the user wants, which is great for those who have this goal.

ChouChou is a practical and easy-to-use application, which is available for cell phones that have the technology iOS.

3- Hairstyle Makeover  

O Hairstyle Makeover é um aplicativo unissex para todas as pessoas possam desfrutas das inumeras possobilidades que esse aplicativo oferece.

Because in addition to making edits for change hair color, also simulates cuts, beards and mustaches. 

Which is ideal for people who like new things and staying fully aware of everything that happens in the world of technology. 

After all, who hasn't noticed that there are countless people sharing photos with beards and mustaches on social media?! 

Even if it’s just for fun…

This is an opportunity for you to stay on top of trend also. 

4- YouCam Makeup

Now if you are looking for a more complete application that, in addition to simulating new looks, also applies makeup…

Com certeza essa é uma boa indicação, pois com esse aplicativo as pessoas podem fazer simulações de novos cortes de cabelo, novas cores e ainda conseguem aplicar make. 

That's awesome, isn't it?

Now tell us, which app did you like the most?

And, take advantage and share it with your friends who also love new things.