
The importance of practicing sports is very simple, as it contributes to a healthy life and improves your body's mechanisms. Therefore, we recommend that you try to find a sport that you like, and then use it to your advantage. See more about below!

Does practicing physical activity help your health?

Find out how important physical activity is for health is directly related to improving quality of life. As it considerably reduces the risks of developing cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, problems related to low immunity, in addition to emotional disorders.


From youthful age, considering children of all age groups to elderly people, they can realize the importance of physical activity for health, since the evolution in bodily stimuli and quality of memory becomes evident, especially in the case of of the elderly, and the functioning of the body.

For those who have reached old age, physical activity is recommended to avoid or delay cases of Alzheimer's, which affects a large part of the population over the age of 65. 

For contributing to weight reduction or control and helping to balance fat levels in the bloodstream. The importance of physical activity for health is also due to its help in reducing medication intake.

The benefits for the body's foundation

A importância de praticar esportes
The importance of playing sports

Benefits of physical activity and contributions to health:

  • Reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack, cerebrovascular accident (CVA) and hypertension;
  • Helps control high blood pressure;
  • Reduces the risk of developing diabetes and controls the rate of glucose in the blood;
  • Lower chances of developing different types of cancer, especially when physical activity is associated with good nutrition; 
  • Weight control, also linked to a quality diet;
  • Improves depression, anxiety, among other problems related to psychosocial disorders;
  • Helps children with social interaction, prevents childhood obesity; 
  • For the elderly, physical activity contributes to self-esteem. They feel stronger, more active and willing to perform simple routine tasks.

Benefits of physical activity

But physical activity also helps with emotional issues, resulting in well-being, increased self-esteem and energy for everyday activities. 


Most gym goers are more concerned about increasing body mass. Providing better physical shape and muscle definition.

Speaking of the elderly, regular physical activity also improves flexibility, posture and bone conservation, which is important for carrying out small daily tasks.

Activity categories

Aerobic exercises: these are exercises with long duration and low intensity. Examples: walking, running, swimming, dancing, and other sports with the same level of physical demand. 

Anaerobic exercises: these are long-lasting, low-intensity exercises. Examples: bodybuilding, yoga and pilates.

Carried out collectively or isolated, but the importance of physical activity for health is also to keep the body fit and resistant. Any activity that subjects you to regular and rhythmic movement generates benefits, as long as it is practiced responsibly.

Damages from a sedentary lifestyle

  • Risk of developing cardiorespiratory diseases.
  • Weight gain;
  • Risk of catching colds due to low immunity
  • Ease of developing psychological illnesses, such as anxiety disorder; 
  • Problems related to bone weakness, such as arthritis, arthrosis and osteoporosis