One of the most feared and awaited moments for others is when a new member comes to the family. There are apps with free versions that will tell you if you're stuck quickly. Discover our list of apps if you're waiting for a new one!

It is important to know that the applications do not only provide messaging services, they can also detect a hormone embarazo in question of minutes. Furthermore, they work with digital tools, such as Bluetooth, which connects the app with the orina museum.


Amazing, right?

Las digital applications They allow you to count your steps, keep track of what you eat, follow an exercise chart until you control during your ovulation period and let you know when your last period is.

Apps to find out if you're stuck and others to take control

1. Pregnancy Pro

In the first place is one of the best in its category, Pregnancy Pro, a digital application that can sync your smart phone via bluetooth to perform the orin test.


Also, toast access to personalized information and support.

It can detect if you are in trouble or not, offering assistance for the trouble cycle 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from your phone. More than 99% precision since the day of your period expected.

2. Pregnancy Tracker Pro


Another useful one Embarrassment app designed for women who are usually preparing for the next few days of pregnancy. So if you are planning to have a baby, this app is for you, so detect an online embarrassment.

Pregnancy Tracker Pro, you can perform a tracking your menstrual period, ovulation, and allows, through technology, to combine data to predict the probability of an accident.

The most outstanding features and functions of the platform are data analysis, probability calculations, ovulation period, monitoring, flow control menstrual, and sexual content that can help you pre and post in your life.

3. Baby Center

I embarrass myself day by day, with thousands of followers and downloads on the internet. This is an application that will carry out monitoring during your pregnancy period. To start using the platform, the only thing you have to do is register your personal data to be able to take control.

That's it! With the birth date, for example, the app can provide information following some symptoms, physical changes along with evolution of the world with unpublished images.

In addition, he has some healthy tips that are completely Spanish and free.

4. Calendario Woman Log

Woman Log is a virtual calendar that allows you to track exhaustive analysis of menstrual cycles regardless of age. Likewise, it indicates the most fertile days following ovulation time; a very important factor because none of them know what is the specific key.

It also allows write notes, record moods with interesting data.

5. Babee on board

If you're embarrassed, you got on public transport and regret it volume of your belly Nadie gave you her seat, this application is suitable for you. At the moment, she has only landed in the USA, but, within a short period of time, she was able to be admitted to several countries around the world.

The digital application seems interesting because it puts alert travelers, indicating where empty seats are located and which need assistance. For its operation, Bluetooth technology allows it to provide its services on low ground without the need for a WiFi signal.