Get ready to embark on a fascinating journey into the darkest corners of crime, where we will encounter cases that defy human understanding. From enigmatic murders to audacious robberies, these crimes have left an indelible mark on history and continue to intrigue investigators and enthusiasts to this day.
The Case of Jack the Ripper
Our first stop is the famous case of Jack the Ripper, who terrorized London in 1888. This serial killer was never identified, and his brutal murders of women in the Whitechapel neighborhood created a wave of panic in the city.
Devido aos cortes post mortem e a remoção de alguns órgãos, presumiu-se que o assassino teria algum conhecimento em medicina ou anatomia.
Butchers were also questioned due to the brutality of the cuts, but no one was found guilty.
The overwhelming number of suspects and limited investigative resources at the time did not allow the police to go much further. Thus, these crimes remain some of the most famous mysteries in history.

The Theft of the Mona Lisa
In 1911, the Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci's famous masterpiece, disappeared from the Louvre Museum in Paris. The theft shocked the world and triggered an international search for the painting.
For more than two years, the painting remained missing, until it was surprisingly recovered. The reason for the robbery can be considered as or more surreal than the crime itself.
O autor, um italiano e ex- funcionário do próprio Museu do Louvre, afirmou em seu julgamento, que havia cometido o crime por motivos de, pasmem! patriotismo, pois acreditava que a obra havia sido roubada por Napoleão Bonaparte e não adquirida pelo rei Francisco I em 1519, que apadrinhou o próprio Leonardo Da Vinci. Ironicamente, foi o roubo que impulsionou a obra para a fama que tem hoje.

The Hinterkaifeck Murder
Na Alemanha, em 1922, uma família inteira foi brutalmente assassinada em uma fazenda isolada chamada Hinterkaifeck. Várias hipóteses foram levantadas, como roubo, crime passional e até mesmo vingança pelo susposto caso de incesto entre o pai e sua filha.
O fato é que, provavelmente, o assassino era conhecido da família, já que teve tempo de planejar, executar o crime e ainda alimentar os animais e cuidar da fazenda antes da descoberta dos corpos. Esse crime misterioso nunca foi solucionado, deixando para trás apenas pistas intrigantes e teorias especulativas.

The Kidnapping of Patty Hearst
In 1974, Patty Hearst, heiress of the Hearst communications family, was kidnapped by a guerrilla group called the Symbionese Liberation Army. However, the case took an unexpected turn when Patty joined the kidnappers and participated in criminal activities alongside them, such as a robbery at the Bank of San Francisco, which resulted in two people being injured and an exchange of gunfire with the police in a another robbery attempt.
Although their actions were justified by Stockholm Syndrome, where the victim develops feelings for their abuser, the situation is still somewhat strange due to the speed with which everything occurred.

Elisa Lam's mysterious death
In early 2013, 21-year-old Canadian Elisa Lam disappeared during a trip to Los Angeles and her body was found days later in the water tank of the Cecil Hotel, where she was staying. Disturbing images released by the hotel's elevator security cameras show Elisa behaving strangely, as if she was talking to someone invisible and moving erratically.
Theories range from murder to the involvement of supernatural forces. Some have speculated that she could have been the victim of a serial killer or that the hotel, known for its macabre history, could have played a sinister role in her death. However, after an extensive investigation, police concluded that Elisa Lam's death was a tragic accident. The autopsy revealed that she had drowned and there were no signs of violence or aggression. It is believed that Elisa went up to the water tank alone and somehow lost her life there. Despite the official explanation, many questions remain unanswered.

Criminal Sciences
In this brief journey through the most bizarre crimes in history, we delve into mysteries that defy our understanding. The world of crime is vast and full of intriguing stories. From the dark alleys of Whitechapel to the halls of renowned museums, these crimes capture our imagination and leave us with unanswered questions. While some of these cases have been solved over the years, others remain unsolvable enigmas. And it is exactly this aura of mystery that continues to fascinate people around the world, fueling theories and speculation.