We know very little, if not nothing, about what happens after death. Science, religion and spirituality always seem to differ on this topic.
Reports of children who clearly remember previous lives have gone viral on the internet over the years.
That's why we want you to see who you were in your past life using the app.
For those who believe in the theme and in past lives, let's clear your doubts about what signs we bring from our past lives. Check out!
Past Life Signs
Some tips to know if this is your first time on this plane or if you have already gone through reincarnations on this planet. Notice if you have any birthmarks and dreams.
A person who reports having the same vivid dream every time. That he would die from a shot in the head and in the middle of the chest. And it went further: between her breasts she has a red birthmark.
The answer to this is that it is a past life sign. We can highlight that although we are born with up to five physical signs related to the previous incarnation.
Be aware that they can come, for example, as spots on the skin, wounds and scars.

Ever heard of Déjà vu?
Then the feeling of having already seen or experienced something. From a spiritual point of view, this phenomenon takes us back to facts experienced in past lives.
That's because some memories are stored in the perispirit, cluster of energies and end up emerging in certain situations.
If you are very afraid of swimming or drowning without ever having gone through this situation. Or tremble with fear when you see fire or are in a high place.
These fears without logical explanation may be related to your previous life.
Because this ends up being awakened from some experience that was marked in the memory of the soul and returned in the current life.
Protection at bedtime
If you want to prevent spirits attached to the earthly plane from tormenting you, especially those related to you and your family.
Who are in this life or previous ones influence your rest. We recommend that you be careful with the vibration level.
It's important to avoid criticizing other people or having negative thoughts helps keep your vibration high. Where it ends up preventing this type of energy "drainage".
Another tip is to leave horror movies for another time, other than at night.
I know the Past Life Analyzer app
Past Life Analyzer is an application to analyze how your past life was. After authorizing the integration of the application with your Facebook profile, it is already possible to see information about the life you had centuries ago.
The information is automatically generated, so there is no way to change or interfere with the generated result.
The application shows your sexual gender, date of birth, year and cause of death, the profession you exercise, in addition to revealing a little about your personality, with classifications such as hardworking, loyal, among other qualities.
At the end of the game, you can indicate the app and also share discoveries with contacts on the social network.
Actions must be carried out using two buttons: Post on Wall Now, which you click to publish information on the wall, and Invite Friends, which invites friends.
Past Life Analyzer is just a joke and has no scientific basis. Like most social networking apps, it's for you to have fun with your Facebook friends.
Install it right now and enjoy the experience of discovering who you were in a past life.