WhatsApp Messenger is the mayor instant messaging service worldwide, one of the easiest ways to communicate through a digital platform, however, there are moments when we do not know if the message has been sent to the recipient, so that to get rid of doubts we have betrayed some Tips to find out who blocked you on WhatsApp.
It's a very unpleasant sensation, without a doubt write to someone and never get a response, But if we don't have another way to corroborate why and are not applying it alone to known contact scenarios, it can also happen after having made a purchase, for example.
As you will see, learn tricks There is no question of taking care of your feelings, even faster if someone has blocked you without completing the transaction, You will be able to take appropriate measures sooner.
Another important aspect that you should know is that it doesn't matter if you block it, it is not necessary that you put yourself to download apps of dubious origin or suspicious programs.
That's why we want to give you some advice that will prevent you from downloading programs that won't weigh down your cell phone and You can also find out who blocked you on Whatsapp.

Practical tips to know who blocked you on WhatsApp
Firstly, what are the reasons why you can suspect that someone has decided to block you from your contact list?
You should doubt for two reasons, your contact does not respond to you and the double mark does not appear indicating that the message has been sent.
If both are occurring, then it is necessary to check using the following steps:
1. Check if the contact's profile photo has disappeared in chats and in the contact information.
The first thing that happens when one person blocks the other is that the profile image stops appearing who has been restricted. As it is part of personal data, the app immediately proceeds to disappear.
If you believe that there is a persona then, enter the conversation in cuestion and fíjate if the profile has an image. But keep in mind that sometimes the person doesn't appear due to connection problems or because the person simply deleted their photo.
2. Check if the last connection time or the “on line” warning appears
It may seem difficult to pay attention to the “on line” warning, but if it does not appear and the contact does not have the time of your last connection, It's quite probable that something is not at all good.
A sign of I block your contact.
3. Try to see your status
How them states suelen container information and images private that the user shares with what they want (you can customize), once someone blocks you on WhatsApp it prevents you from seeing them.
If this person accustomed to publishing his whole life If there are good promotions that you tried to buy and now they do not appear, it is a warning that something is not going well and is blocked. If you decide, it's time to look for a plan B.
4. Add contact to a group
This is a problem to clear doubts. Create a group and try to add that contact. If you can do it, it's quiet that you're not blocked, but if you can't, There are two possibilities: You will be restricted or this person will have limited group invitations.
Also you should have a good explanation In case you can add an unknown person to an extra group without prior notice.
5. Make a call
This advice is for last, because you must recognize that it is quite invasive. Evidently, it may happen that your contact has no signal, if it has been left without battery or cannot be found on the cell phone, however, if everything fails You know they blocked you.
What do our suggestions seem like to you? Have you tried them all? Let us know your story and the dinosaurs who blocked you on WhatsApp.
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