
For your safety, discover the best earthquake alert apps and receive alerts on your cell phone about natural phenomena.

So, you can prevent yourself and stay safe using these apps below, share them with your friends and family for their safety.



O Earthquake+ is an essential tool for those residing in seismic areas.

This application provides real-time information about earthquakes around the world, including details such as magnitude, location It is epicenter depth.

One of the most valuable features of Earthquake+ is its ability to send personalized notifications based on the magnitude and distance preferences established by the user.


This allows individuals to only be alerted to earthquakes that meet specific criteria, thus avoiding unnecessary over-alarming.

In addition to notifications, the Earthquake+ offers an intuitive interface that presents earthquakes on an interactive map.


You can view the location of tremors and access a detailed history of previous seismic activity in the region.

Download the app for free


While the Earthquake+ focuses on global monitoring, the SASSLA is an application that stands out for its specialization in local contexts, especially in highly seismic regions such as Mexico.

This app not only alerts users to impending earthquakes but also provides practical safety recommendations tailored to the area's seismic profile.

One of the differences of SASSLA is its collaboration with scientific and government institutions to ensure that the information provided is accurate and up-to-date.

For example, in the case of an earthquake alert, the SASSLA offers not only real-time notification, but also specific guidance on how to act before, during and after the tremor.

These guidelines are critical to help minimize damage and prepare citizens for a safe evacuation if necessary.

Download the app for free

Integration of applications with smart devices

A significant advantage of both Earthquake+ how much of SASSLA is its compatibility with a variety of smart devices.

These apps can be integrated with smartphones, tablets and even smart watches, ensuring you receive immediate alerts no matter where you are or what you are doing.

This integration ensures that even in situations where access to other types of communication may be compromised, you can still receive vital alerts.

So, download the above apps and feel safe and secure.