
Preparing for public exams is a journey that requires dedication, strategy and access to high-quality study materials.

In a competitive scenario, where thousands of candidates compete for a few vacancies, it is essential to have access to the best study tools and techniques.

Use Online Course Platforms


Udemy: A Udemy stands out as an excellent platform for contest candidates.

With a wide range of specific preparatory courses, it allows users to access varied content, from classes on specific legislation to memorization techniques.

The flexibility of studying at your own pace and accessing classes from anywhere are just some of the benefits that Udemy offers.


Coursera: Another platform that deserves to be highlighted is Coursera.

In partnership with renowned universities, it offers courses that can complement your preparation, especially in areas that require a deeper understanding of specific topics.


The certification offered can also be a differentiator on your resume.

Effective Study Strategies

Create a Study Schedule: Organization is the key to success in competitions.

Develop a detailed study schedule, dedicating blocks of time to each subject, with periodic reviews.

This will help ensure complete coverage of the program content.

Memorization Techniques: Using techniques such as mind maps or the spaced repetition methodology can transform the way you retain important information.

These techniques are essential for memorizing legislation, for example, one of the pillars of public examinations.

Simulations and Previous Questions: Practice leads to perfection.

Solving mock tests and questions from previous exams not only helps you understand the style of the questions, but also serves as a barometer to measure your performance and identify areas that need more attention.

Mental and Physical Health

Maintain a Balance: Preparing for competitions can be exhausting.

Maintaining a balance between studies and rest is crucial.

Therefore, physical activities and leisure time are important to keep the mind healthy and ready to absorb knowledge.

Emotional Support: Don't underestimate the psychological pressure of preparing for a contest.

Support from friends, family or even professional support can be decisive in your performance.

Additional Resources

Preparing for contests is a complex path, but with the right tools and strategies, you can maximize your chances of success.

Platforms like Udemy It is Coursera they are just the beginning.

With dedication, organization and adequate support, achieving your goal is entirely possible.

So, remember that every small step in preparation is a step towards gaining a place in the public service.