Do you know him Brasil Sorridente Program, a SUS initiative? 

Which is an initiative that was developed specifically to offer treatments dental for the population. 


In the end, take care of your teeth It is something extremely fundamental for human health. Because it is through teeth that people can eat. That's why today we're talking about dental implant through SUS

Sleep better, have better self-esteem. And this is exactly the main purpose of Smiling Brazil Program. Offer better quality of life for the population.

Importance of this initiative.

We all know that many diseases are caused in the mouth. Such as infections, oral cancer, cavities, among others.


Therefore, it is extremely necessary to take good care of our oral health, such as brushing our teeth correctly and cleaning them properly.

And, of course, visit with visit a dentist to receive the appropriate guidance. Not to mention that any problem identified early becomes more easy to treat.


However, we know that not everyone is able to access an oral health professional. And when you don't have access or conditions, a dental treatment can be done next to SUS

Therefore, the Federal Government created this program in 2003 that seeks to offer oral health to everyone.

How did the program come about?

O Brazil Smiling program, emerged in 2003 through Public Policies implemented by the Ministry of Health. 

Therefore, the program is quite broad and serves the population in general, so that everyone can have access to a dental treatment Of Quality.

Specific services take place in schools in a preventive manner, on buses, at service points.

The main objective is to offer the neediest population the possibility of having healthy teeth and of course, now it is also possible request dental implants.

Find out how to participate in the government program through SUS

Everyone can have access to treatments, as the Smiling Brazil is provided through SUS. 

Therefore, the entire population can have access to Smiling Brazil Program, but it is important to remember that because it is a benefit aimed at the most socially vulnerable people.

These people will have more priority.

Therefore, to find out if this benefit is covered in your region, you need to go in person to a health Center closest to your residence, and ask about the Dental implant through SUS

Or, you can directly access the site of Brazil Smiling program in a practical way to have access to this information in a practical way.

If smiling Brazil program is available in your region, you will be able to schedule your first appointment so you can begin your treatment. Additionally, you can request the services of Dental implant.

dental implant through SUS

Treatments offered by the program through SUS:

The treatments offered are considered quite complete by health professionals. 

The objective is that everyone can have access to basic services, even the most complex services…

Because the greatest intention of Smiling Brazil Program is to give the population the chance to have strong, beautiful and healthy teeth. 

This way, people will be able to improve their quality of life in general:

  • Extractions.
  • Fluoride application.
  • Free dental braces.
  • Orthognathic surgery.
  • Biopsies.
  • Wisdom removal.
  • Cavity treatment.
  • Prosthesis (denture)
  • Dental implant
  • Tartar removal
  • Endodontics
  • Oral Exams
  • Cleaning
  • Between others…

These were our recommendations for those who want to take care of their smile through Smiling Brazil Program. 

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Take advantage and share this information with your friends, so that they can also start their treatments. 

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