
For afternoon coffee, are you in doubt about what to eat and looking for something very easy and delicious to make? Well, we have a great option for you.

Today we will show you and teach you how to make carrot cake. An extremely soft and delicious cake that you will love to make.


The carrot cake is delicious either way. If you want a simple carrot cake, one that goes well with a cup of coffee, just skip the syrup.

But if you don't miss the opportunity to eat chocolate and don't give up the carrot cake syrup. Check out the step-by-step of this extraordinary recipe now.

Carrot cake ingredients

You will need the following ingredients to succeed in your recipe, see now.

cake dough

Como fazer Bolo de Cenoura
How to make Carrot Cake
  • 1/2 cup (tea) of oil
  • 3 medium grated carrots
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 cups of sugar (tea)
  • 2 and 1/2 cups (tea) wheat flour
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder

Cake top

  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 3 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 1 cup (tea) of sugar
  • 1 cup of milk (tea)

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How to prepare carrot cake

Now follow the step-by-step instructions on how to prepare the cake, so that you succeed in this delicious recipe.


  1. In a blender, add the carrots, eggs and oil, then blend.
  2. Add the sugar and beat again for 5 minutes.
  3. In a bowl or mixer, add the wheat flour and then mix again.
  4. Add the baking soda and mix slowly with a spoon.
  5. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for approximately 40 minutes.


  1. Pour the butter, chocolate powder, sugar and milk into a bowl, then mix.
  2. Take the mixture to the fire and keep mixing until you get a creamy consistency, then pour the syrup over the cake.

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Learn how to make a blender carrot cake. But you will need a blender, cut the carrot into very small pieces and then just blend the wet ingredients into the appliance. Once everything is smooth, add the liquid mixture to the dry ingredients, mixing well and gently.

You can use about 250 g of carrots for 2 cups of wheat flour. Because to ensure that your cake is fluffy, remember to test the yeast before adding it to the dough and sift the wheat flour.

Because this will ensure that a carrot cake is fluffy, light and even more delicious. Just add 1 cup of sugar and 1 cup of water to a milk jug and, as soon as it boils, turn off the heat.

But when it cools down completely, you can water your cake. If you want to spice up this mixture to make it even tastier and give your carrot cake a scent, you can add orange zest, vanilla essence or a little cinnamon. That way, you'll have a moist and delicious carrot cake.