
Now you can forget about sympathies and start learning whether your baby is a boy or a girl and find out with the app. Because currently there are apps to find out the baby's gender, where you will find out if the baby you are expecting is a boy or a girl.

Soon after the positive pregnancy result, the future mother already dreams about the name for her baby, plans the entire layette, wants to choose the color of the room.

App para descobrir o gênero do bebê
App to find out the baby's gender

Both the pregnant woman and the baby's father, as well as family and friends, are anxious to know whether they are expecting a little girl or a boy. But ultrasound exams and fetal sexing are often only possible to detect the baby's gender after the eighth week or more.

That's why the technology is there and we'll help you eliminate curiosity. You can plan your reveal shower and your baby shower, because we will help you find out whether it will be a boy or a girl. Look!

How they discovered it in the past and how it is today

When we see it, it seems simple to know that a woman is pregnant or what gender the baby is. But it was not always so. In the past, the techniques used came from common sense. And today people can play with some apps to find out the baby's sex. 


All the techniques used by future mothers today may not make sense, but they are part of history. Knowledge was shared among people such as priests, scribes, barber surgeons and through the experiences of other women. 

One of the first tests to discover the sex of the baby and consequently whether the woman was pregnant, worked as follows, the mother had to throw urine on wheat seeds. If barley grew, it was a boy, if wheat grew, it was a girl, and if it didn't germinate, there was no pregnancy. Different, no?


keep reading…

Different ways to know the baby's gender

As we saw above, through pee, people believed it was possible to discover sex. And nowadays the urine test can detect whether a woman is pregnant. Furthermore, the beliefs became popular and are still widely used today:

  • Fork and Spoon Game – a fork is placed under one cushion and a spoon on the other, without the pregnant woman seeing. Then ask her to sit on one. If the choice is with the fork, it's a boy and if there's a spoon, it's a girl; 
  • Wedding ring or needle – ties a strand of hair to one of the objects and aligns it in the palm of your hand. If it spins, it's a girl, if it sways from side to side, it's a boy; 
  • Chinese table – this method is based on Chinese astrology and according to its beliefs, it is capable of guessing the baby's sex, just informing the month of conception and the mother's age. This data is then crossed in a table to arrive at the baby's sex;
  • Summation – in this it is necessary to add the age at which the woman became pregnant, the month in which she conceived and the number 9 (referring to the usual time of pregnancy). If the result is even, it will be a girl, if it is odd, it will be a boy; 

Surely you have already seen some of these charms that we show here. But it's worth remembering that none of these rule out ultrasound exams, which are also important to monitor your baby's development.  

Know the applications? 

Now let's talk about the applications that you must be curious about to test all the options. Their operation is very simple. You fill in some data and answer a questionnaire and the answer will be in the palm of your hands.  

Among the options are the Boy or Girl Calculator, Babycenter and Pampers apps. These are available for android It is iOS.

Remember that even if you are using the app to find out the baby's gender and taking advantage of all the resources offered, you need to have prenatal care, so always visit your obstetrician!