Para poder se divertir hoje em dia não é muito difícil, para isso você precisa apenas conhecer os aplicativos de criar caricatura. Esses aplicativos permitem dar às suas fotos e selfies um aspecto manual, de caricatura, com efeitos de lápis, tintas e filtros.

The features can be applied to photos captured by the camera or from files uploaded from the gallery.


We have gathered some applications available for download, capable of transforming photos and videos into caricatures and drawings. Among the options listed below, there are free and paid applications, but they offer free trial periods, which allow you to use all the effects. Check them out now!


First, let's talk about the MojiPop app, which applies a cartoon effect to photos and also creates an avatar with the user's photo. Right after you take a photo of your face, which ends up being done through a scanning system with the camera.

You can change the character's entire appearance, edit facial and hair details, and add accessories if you wish. The doll can be placed in a variety of everyday situations, creating fun images to send to friends on social media.


MojiPop is available for the following operating systems: android It is iOS.

Photo Sketch Maker

Para que tem Android pode optar pela opção do aplicativo Photo Sketch Maker para criar caricaturas feitas à mão no celular.


This application ends up redoing your entire photo, using applications that represent pencil strokes and, thus, creates images with a refined finish.

From an easy-to-use carousel, you can choose between several pencil drawing effects, in black and white or color. The free service also allows you to resize the image to suit your social media needs. Download now.

caricature maker apps

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Cartoon Face Animation

An app that turns photos into classic caricatures. Using it, you can create funny and entertaining expressions, with cartoon-like features.

To do this, you need to select an image from your gallery or take a selfie for the app to apply the effect. Another section transforms the photo into graphic and creative illustrations. The app subscription costs R$$78.90 per month, but you can try it for free for three days. Install it now on Android.


When we talk about the Prisma editor, known for giving photos the appearance of famous paintings. Some of the platform's filters transform photos and simulate hand-drawn drawings.

It has effects that can leave the image with pencil strokes and scribbles. It also offers a carousel of filters so that the user can choose the best option for their photos. Install it on android It is iOS.

Rookie Cam

Finally, we recommend the Rookie Cam app, which offers options for customizing photos. Among the features of the free service are effects that give images a cartoon and hand-drawn art look.

Finally, using it you can determine the intensity level of the filter, to obtain the best possible result. It is simple to use and the effects are applied with just a few clicks. Download it now on your android or iOS.