
Who has never been curious to know a little more about their ancestors? Keep reading and learn about this app to discover your ancestors.

It's really cool to know where we come from and what path your family took to get to you. Why do you live in the city you live in now? This can often be explained by understanding the path your ancestors took. 


It may even be that they were countries visited. 

After all, if we like hearing about other people's stories so much, hearing about our own is even more enjoyable. 

In addition to curiosity, did you know that understanding our family history brings psychological benefits? 


Knowing, and above all, preserving these stories is a practice that can improve an entire society. 

Benefits of knowing our ancestors

When we recognize the experiences, both positive and negative, of our family members, it is a form of self-knowledge. 


After all, many of your difficulties today can be explained when you return to your roots. 

Furthermore, knowing your family tree gives you a sense of belonging and identity. In other words, it is something that everyone should seek out at least once in their life. 

Studies have shown that people who do not have this knowledge have a much greater chance of developing relationship difficulties. 

This happens because the lack of ancestry brings this feeling of lack of connection. As if you were alone in the world. 

The logic is as follows: the more we know our ancestors, the more we connect with them and the more we connect with ourselves. The more connected we are with ourselves, the better our connections with new people become. 

Another interesting point that can be observed is the feeling of compassion. People who know their stories have this sense more acutely. 

This happens because it is common for us to judge other people's choices at first. However, when we understand their story and difficulties, we can have more compassion. 

This compassion appears for your family members, but extends to everyone around you. 

You become more empathetic and altruistic. 

Now that I have convinced you that understanding your ancestry is very important, I am going to introduce you to some great news.

Did you know there is an app to discover your ancestors? 

Family Search Tree

This app will help you get even closer to your family history. It works like a family tree. 

You add and edit your family members. As you add people, it becomes available for anyone who has the app to access. 

This is interesting because at some point, your tree will join with other people's trees. 

And that's where you'll see all the magic happen. 

The application has a huge collection, with billions of records already registered. 

There you will also find a map that shows the main places your family has already visited. 

In other words, very cool. 

Download the app now, and encourage others to download it too! 

Click here to download on iOS. 

Click here to download on Android.