
Let's talk about Basketball, or simply Basketball, it is a team sport practiced between two teams.

Being played with only one ball, where the objective of the game is to make the ball hit the fixed basket that is located at the ends of the court.


Currently, basketball is one of the most popular Olympic games in the world. Practiced in schools in one of the most practiced sports in physical education classes.

Created in 1891 by Canadian physical education teacher James Naismith. This sport emerged as an alternative to the rigorous winter in the region, to the detriment of others practiced outdoors such as baseball and soccer.

In addition, the original idea was to create a sport less violent than American football. Allied to this, the creative teacher intended to integrate the students in physical education classes and encourage the collectiveness of the groups.

Basketball Rules


As we have already mentioned, basketball aims to insert the ball into the basket corresponding to your team. Inside the court there are two baskets, one on each side of the end of the court 3.05 meters from the ground.

The place where the basket is is called the table. To win the game the team has to score the most number of points. Note that the points vary depending on the location of the throw.


That is, for free throws, one point is added, otherwise, two points are added to the scoreboard. Points scored when players are close to the three-point line add up to 3 points.

The practice of the game is divided into 4 times, with 10 minutes each. It is based on hitting, passing the ball and defending and attacking positions.

Ball passes can be: hand pass, chest pass, spiked pass, shoulder pass and pass over the head. The most used pitches are the tray and the jump.

The so-called “dunks” occur by jumping and placing the ball in the basket. Note that players cannot take more than two steps with the ball in their hands. Before that, he must pass to his teammate.


When a basketball game is taking place, a player cannot make more than 5 fouls. If that happens, he's out of the game. The faults can be committed when there is:

  1. illegal contact between players;
  2. aggression between players;
  3. unsportsmanlike behavior.


Basketball is played between two teams of 5 players each. Among them are classified in point guards, wingers and posts.


It can be played indoors or outdoors. Regardless, the two are of these dimensions, 28 meters long and 15 meters wide. At a minimum, it is 26 meters long and 14 meters wide.

Quadra de basquetebol

The basketball court has several lines and markings:

  1. Side Lines: delimit the game space.
  2. Center Line: located right in the middle of the court, it divides the total space into two equal ones.
  3. Center Circle: Above the center line is a circle drawn right in the middle of the court that is about 12 feet in diameter.
  4. Boundary Lines: also delimit the playing space, however, they are located behind the baskets.
  5. Free Throw Line: located closer to the basket and frontally the players throw the ball.
  6. 3 point line: circular line located 6.75 meters from each basket. It gets its name because bids from that location are worth 3 points.