
We know that the sport of volleyball or volleyball is a sport very practiced between two teams on a regular court, so many people like to play sports. As volleyball is played on a court, it is divided by a net that is placed vertically on a central line in the middle of the court.

In addition, you need to have a ball, which includes several steps with your hands, the main objective of the game is for you to throw the ball over the net and make it touch the opponent's ground. Like any other game, volleyball also has rules and that's why we're going to show you which of them you must follow to be able to play this sport. be able to practice this sport

Volleyball Rules:


The main rules of volleyball are:

  1. Each team has a coach;
  2. A match consists of 5 sets;
  3. There is no predetermined time for each set;
  4. Each set has a maximum of 25 points with a minimum difference of 2 points;
  5. In case of a tie in the set at the end (24 x 24), the match continues until the difference of two points is reached (26 x 24, 27 x 25, etc.);
  6. After serving, the team can only touch the ball three times;
  7. The team that wins three sets wins;
  8. If there is a tie in the sets (2×2) the 5th set will be decisive.

What is considered a foul in volleyball?

As we mentioned above and explained the rules that are necessary for you to practice volleyball, several fouls are included in the attack, serve, touches, player rotation, ball pass and many others. So that you don't get fouled, you should pay attention to the rules.

Network: if you play the ball between the space of the two antennas close to the net, the player will commit a foul.


two taps: when a player touches the ball twice in a row or the ball hits various parts of his body.

supported touch: when a player leans on another player on his team. It is also considered a foul if he leans on any structure or object within the playing area to hit the ball.


Rotation: if the rotation between the players does not happen correctly at the time of the serve, the team commits a foul.

Four Taps: when the team touches the ball four times before sending it to the opponents.

How many players on the court?

As we said initially volleyball is a sport that is practiced by two teams, each team has 6 players, to start playing you need to have 6 reserve players giving a total of 12 players per team.

However, there is not only indoor volleyball, we have beach volleyball, the differential of beach volleyball is that it is played in the sand and contains only 4 players, 2 from each team.

Volleyball positions and their fundamentals:

To start the game, each player has their position within the court represented in the order of rotation, we will show you how the players should be positioned initially.

3 players are positioned close to the net and the other 3 players are positioned in the back line, so there are players in the entire team area.

The fundamentals of volleyball are:

  • Withdraw
  • Front desk
  • survey
  • Attack
  • Block

Each volleyball game starts with the withdrawals. The server, as the player who throws the ball is called, has to throw the ball over the net and into his opponent's court.

Players receive serve through the foundation of Front desk, usually done through resources such as the headline or the ringtone.

You lifters, as the name implies, they lift the ball with their fingertips. Then, they pass to the attackers who try to score a point by throwing it into the opponent's field.

You attackers they put a lot of strength into the play and with a big jump they aim to touch the ground of the opposing team to score the point.

Opponents can, however, perform a block or defense so that the ball comes back and touches the ground of the team that attacked.

Therefore, following all the rules and fundamentals of volleyball, you can practice the sport in an ideal and correct way, being able to have fun with this wonderful sport.