all of them smart cell phones count on advanced technologies and GPS for your location. And thanks to that intelligence the digital stores of apps have satellite applications to see the city, dejando los old paper maps quedan en el pasado.
Satellite technologies are quite complex. Its origin started in the military industry and then adapted to civilian use. these were designed to give the coordinates to soldiers in unknown territory.
Hoy día are used for different functions, such as road guide, for hydrological, topographical, mapping studies of necessities, and a broad etcetera. Son una veritable blessing, how many times have you not been lost in a big city?
In a pueblo chico it is difficult to get lost. In a big city without references in the horizon is much easier. It doesn't matter how many years we've lived in it. Perhaps transporters tend to do it more simply because they memorize their routes, but not all of us can do it.
Luckily for us, the satellite apps for the city work both with GPS and the Internet.
some until dispensing with use Wi-Fi connection or mobile data. For you who want it, here we leave you these satellite applications for the city.

Satellite applications to see the city
1- Waze
Waze this is one of the most well-known and popular digital applications to be located in real time in the city. it is designed above all for car drivers and you can find so much for iOS how to android.
The platform has a very simple and intuitive use for the user: you enter the app, select the destination and that's it. Waze will direct you there distance to destination and what routes you should follow, prioritizing the most optimal route.
employ internet connection the same time as the GPS to update in real time. However, you could use it without connection, using the GPS as a map, you would save time with this platform. There advantage of Waze is that it is updated immediately with information that may be important for drivers or travelers.
Do not only signal the stretches where you can find traffic (like Google Maps), in addition to including where there are retentions, accidents, detours or detours on the ground. These data are aggregated interactively in real time by other users and to access it, we need the app to be constantly updated.
2- it is designed for it navigation without internet connection and it is free so much for android how to iOS. It is not updated in real time, as the app needs to be previously downloaded together with the map of the area you want to visit. this is an advantage if you consider that this takes up less space in memory and does not waste mobile data.
In these maps sites of interest appear, especially touristic because Maps has a tourist purpose. Hospices, hospitals, food halls, restaurants and public transport routes will appear.
As the platform does not use data, use GPS technology to locate and indicate where to go and the distance from the points of interest.
In this way, you continue to have one constant update of the location On the map you can also save your favorite spots.
3- Here Maps
This digital application also is aimed at travelers. It is available for phones with the system android and to use it, you only have to download it and create an account with Facebook or your email address.
It differentiates with this is the one you use connection to the web to obtain virtual maps from different territories in the world, although if you want you can download them first with a Wi-Fi connection and consult them when you want.
Now, comment on all of them satellite applications use hoy en día to ubicarte.