
the programs artificial intelligence llegaron for several years to our lives to make it simpler and help us with fattening tasks of our day to day. But, not all because we want to be so serious, there are also platforms designed to amuse us; how they apps that didn't teach you how to look 10 years younger (and even more).

Of the applications that employ entertainment functions are found among the most famous ones, those that modify our appearance in photos or videos, sea del carrete or in real time.


For that reason, these programs went viral when the celebrities from the height of Lionel Messi or Justin Bieber started to climb aged or rejuvenated photos in social networks.

Even though there was a controversy due to the handling of data and information on your face, it was as popular as social networks, such as: Instagram, TikTok or SnapChat filters have been included in their applications for recreate the same effects.

That's why we want to recommend you some platforms to see how would you see yourself with a softer skin, delaying your aging. Next, I will present you which are the digital applications, which will help you to look 10 years younger.

Image credit: Google

Apps and platforms to look 10 years younger


One of the causes for what a person can pretend to be older than you really are that's why take care of your skin appropriately, in addition to other genetic factors.

the health specialists suelen recommend using sunscreen facial with an adequate protection factor, as well as properly hydrate the skin.


To achieve this, in addition to the use of creams tested by dermatologists, It is essential to drink water every certain time; of course, there are also cosmetic tips that you can apply, such as:

  • Rellena tus cejas con efecto natural.
  • Use youthful and fresh perfumes.
  • Apply soft and sparing makeup tones.
  • Emplea bien el blush en tus mejillas (also en low cantidad).

As for the apps, we consider that you are the most suitable:

1. FaceApp

It is the application par excellence for modify the age you appear in photos or videos, reason why it is the most famous and downloaded in its type so much for android how to iOS.

Tiene una qualification casi perfecta en both stores and over 100 million downloads; a reason for your popularity this app was viralized by the stars several years ago and even though it was used for a short time due to security concerns, after making certain changes there is a return to be among the most used in its type.

You will see, before the company saved your data, but they changed your information management policies personal so that you are the one to decide how long you will keep it on your servers.

Using it is very simple, you only have to open it and focus on a face to take the photo or video. Podrás apply photos to shorten 10 years or even more, plus other filters not related to age, such as facial hair or gender change.

2. FaceLab

facelab allows you to edit your photos stored on the reel of the app using artificial intelligence and despite its name indicating otherwise, you can use it to rejuvenate while maintaining your facial features in a very natural way.

It is a very intuitive application that will allow you rejuvenate even 20 or 30 years with excellent quality and professional effects.

Now, let us know what our suggestions seemed to you. We can play with them and see how our priests or abuelos would see themselves younger, un travel in the time not fall badly.