
New technologies have led us to change the way we do publicity. That's why today we want you to discover these apps to write texts or banners like “LED”.

It is probable that if we decide you LED signs no sepas bien de qué hablamos. But, we are sure that if you think a little, at least in some bar the restaurant will be seen glowing neon ads, right?


Esos son los letters a la antigua, they had enlarged bombillos with the tinted crystal of bright colors. The LED images more current only be on rotating mobile screens. However, today you can take a professional to design these ads for you cell phone.

For that reason, in Prigoo we have chosen several apps to write letters type: LED and so you can explore your creativity to use in your business, school or home.

Image credit: Google

Digital applications that serve to create banners, texts, “LED” type letters

1- Digital LED Sign

This application for android have more than 10 million downloads with a perfect qualification. That's why we see it as the best option for a first attempt. you can write flashy messages on your mobile device, control the exposure speed and its colors.


Its creators designed it thinking that it could work as the perfect complement for a meeting or for advertising. In reality, you can use it for many other things, only you must use your imagination.

The personalization of the text allows you to modify the colors of the letters and the background, así like the speed in which they appear. With the app record, you can save a history of your messages created and you can record the message to send it as a video.


Also you can send the banners “LED” as notifications for your friends.

the platform use your cell phone's screen background to send messages in a realistic and fun way. It's quite fast and you'll discover that it's intuitive, in addition it will guide you along the way.

2- Displacement LED (Banner)

This app is mainly aimed at create banners or circular messages. There you will find it available for phones with an operating system android, totally free, and you will see that you have many good reviews. Like others in your style, allows you to customize the shape, color, power and speed of the words.

Also, you can add emojis or to parpadar the letters.

You will see, in its free version, you will see frequent advertisements. If you don't want to see them, you have the option of buy the PRO version, which will give you some more options like saving in GIF.

3- LED Scrolling Text Display

This one is a little more complete than the previous one and is also available on Google Play. It is designed so that you can make more interactive modifications to the text.

allows you cambiar el brillo, shape of the components of letters and colors, in addition to including shapes. It is also possible to get very similar effects to those of a physical letter of a bar, the form can be chosen between circles and squares and the adjustment of the brightness of the puedes set in preferences.

As it is more powerful, in addition to being able to choose the shape, color, brightness and contrast of the letters you can even generate images with this platform.

4- LEDit 4

LEDit was created for iOS devices to help communicate with people who are in lejos, who cannot listen when there is a lot of environmental noise, I say in another way, when the message receiver can see it directly and cannot communicate via text messages.

It is similar to the previous applications, without embargo, LEDit 4 is paid. have one interface is so attractive and easy to use that we could not resist it.

Dispone de las mismas functionalities What other platforms to design banners or LED letters, give you a greater variety of effects, fonts and colors to choose from. You also have a history of your messages.

What did you like in our selection? Do you dare to try something?