
How many times has it not passed that you need measure something urgently and can't you find a tape measure? It has passed to all of us several times. So that it doesn't happen again, you should review these apps to measure things that Prigoo has selected for you.

the telephones cell phones are getting more advanced and many times they have features that we don't know. One of your advantages is that you can download free applications that will help you in your daily tasks on any smart device.


Some of them are explicitly designed so that you can measure objects, heights, distances and up to volumes. You will ask yourself, how to make these calculations?

These programs use the camera of your cell phone together with artificial intelligence and augmented reality to perform calculations mathematicians and trigonometricians. All in seconds. However, it is important to point out that there is always a degree of error, no matter how small.

As we want you to show these wonders, here we give you the best apps to measure things.

Credits: Google

Best applications to measure things – (Free)

1- AR Ruler – The augmented reality platform


In just a few words, augmented reality it's the imposition of graphic elements in real world views. The AR Ruler app, employs precisely (AR comes from “augmented reality”) this technology serves to measure objects of different sizes. However, it is the most powerful and reliable program in its style.

Also, decide to measure things in justice, because you can also quantify areas, angles, distances and volumes. to use it you only have to open the application and focus con la camara la cosa u immovable object that you want to measure.


Once identified, you will only have adjust the reference points that appear on the screen and list. This part may be difficult to handle at the beginning, but you will see that sound results quite reliable -things complicated with these apps-.

Capable the obstacle that you encounter if that not available for all teams. However, you can be more calm, since it is not working for universal use.

2- Rangefinder: Smart Distance and Smart Measure Pro

rangefinder It's a platform that has two presentations, one for beginners and another professional. Both can be made available for operating systems, Android.

Smart Distance you are one very efficient application to measure distances. No use of GPS or Google Maps, but use of cell phone hardware, es decir, use the camera and the motion sensors to get the approximate distance. In addition, it contains reviews from other users because it is very accurate. Designed for the purpose of measuring housing.

Smart Measure Pro it's the professional version of the previous one. In this case, apply trigonometry to measure also the height that has the element apart from the distance. Also, measure the ancho del object and the area it occupies.

It is recommended for outdoors and great distances. In its free version it contains ads, but there is also a paid option where you don't have to see them.

To use both applications, place your cell phone at a height of 30 cm below the level of your head and mark a point of reference.

Then you will have to move the cell phone slowly so that you can recognize the angles and calculate the distance. Your measurements are quite accurate, the only drawback is that you have to move your cell phone with care because a bad movement can change the measurement.

  • You can download Smart Distance here.
  • You can download Smart Measure here.