Through your cell phone you can monitor your home 24 hours with free updated satellite app which shows in real time.

This way, you will have access to everything that is happening around the world, through satellite free online apps that shows you things in real time.


Now, you can see which one interests you the most and download it for free at the end, enjoy.

Google Earth

O Google Earth is more than just a satellite image viewer as it integrates several things like topographic maps, 3D satellite images it is a immense geographic content.

Through an intuitive interface, users can travel virtually anywhere on the planet, explore uncharted territories, and view historic landmarks in stunning detail.


Thus, one of the most exciting features of Google Earth and the "Voyager“.

This interactive tool features guided tours, which are narrated by experts on topics ranging from science and culture to travel and education.


These tours enrich the user experience by providing historical and cultural context that transforms a simple map view into an educational journey.

Earth Satellite Live

On the other hand, the Earth Satellite Live is another powerful app that provides a detailed perspective of the Earth from satellite cameras.

It is especially useful for educators, students, and researchers who need access to real-time environmental visualizations and weather patterns.

  1. Climate View: This app allows users to track weather conditions in different parts of the world, helping to predict weather phenomena and prepare for extreme weather events.
  2. Education and Research: Teachers and students can use the Earth Satellite Live as an educational tool to better understand geographic and environmental processes.
  3. User-friendly Interface: With an easy-to-use interface, this app makes the complexity of satellite views accessible to anyone.

Download the apps for free here and enjoy the images in real time

Google Earth
Earth Satellite Live

Education and Research

In the educational field, teachers and students use the Google Earth and the Earth satellite live as interactive teaching resources.

They allow you to explore geography, Earth science and history in an engaging way, providing a deeper understanding of Earth's processes and historical events.

Additionally, these applications are used by researchers to collect data, conduct studies, and validate scientific hypotheses based on up-to-date visual evidence.

Environmental and Social Impact

Access to data from real-time satellite it also has a significant impact on environmental and social issues.

With the ability to observe changes in the environment such as deforestation, urban expansion and the effects of climate change, these apps play a crucial role in environmental awareness and intervention.

Governments and non-governmental organizations use these tools to monitor disaster zones, coordinate emergency responses, and plan mitigation measures.


Therefore, applications real-time satellite, like the Google Earth and the Earth satellite live, are essential for home monitoring, visiting other places and much more.

With these apps you can visit cities and places that it has always been your dream to visit, with 3D and live images.

So download the best app for you and start your real-time live tracking and travel journey now with Free updated Satellite app.