
The program Old can presented in the Huck's cauldron continues to be a success in Brazil, and everyone dreams of participating.

This program has already made many dreams come true and transformed the lives of many people, thus, Luciano Huck has done a fantastic job in that regard.


So if you want to make your enrollment and compete for a total reform in your car, follow until the end of this article.

Transforming your car

In each episode, a new participant received a complete makeover for their car, the program left the car in perfect condition.

The process involved not only mechanical and aesthetic restoration, but also customization that reflected the owner's history and personality.


These restorations were not limited to visual appearance, including significant improvements in the safety and performance of the vehicles, which in itself would be a great gift for any family.

Emotional and social impact of the program

But the Old can went beyond the material aspect.


The program touched people's hearts by delving into the participants' personal stories, adapting the car according to the participant's history and memory.

Many of these vehicles were more than just means of transportation; they were part of stories of love, struggle, overcoming and unforgettable moments.

By restoring the car, the program helped to rekindle those memories and strengthen family ties, giving families a new car and renewed hope and joy.

Registration for 2024

Lata Velha has always transformed families' lives through car renovations.

Therefore, to participate in the program Globe, start filling in the form registration for you to be the next participant.

Register at official site from 👉 Gshow here.

There you will enter your details, send your presentation video telling a little about your story and how the program will help you.

Legacy and continuity

The legacy of Old can is much bigger than just a TV show.

Many of the families that benefited from the program continued to prosper, with their restored cars encouraging new employment opportunities and improving daily mobility.

The program not only changed the status of a material good but also reinforced the importance of taking care of and valuing what you have, inspiring the audience to look at their own lives with a new perspective.

Good luck!

We wish you good luck and hope you can be the next participant!

O Old can is back making dreams come true and helping families in need, so don't miss out and sign up now at link.