
Using the metal detector for mobile, you can start your treasure hunt to try to find jewelry, metals, among others.

Therefore, follow until the end to see valuable tips on how to find lost jewelry on beaches, or even precious metals lost out there.

Application features


The applications Metal detector and metal detector use the magnetometer integrated into cell phones to detect magnetic fields.

While they won't replace professional metal detectors, these apps can be surprisingly useful in everyday situations.

Metal Detector: Simplicity and efficiency

The application Metal detector stands out for its ease of use.


When you start the app, it automatically calibrates the phone's magnetic sensor, preparing it for metal detection.

The sensitivity of the sensor can be adjusted to optimize the search for metallic objects of different sizes and depths.


Download the free app to android.

Metal Detector: Advanced features for detailed searches

On the other hand, the metal detector offers more advanced features, such as the ability to record and map the locations where metals were found, using the device's GPS.

This is particularly useful for those who frequently search large areas, such as beaches and parks.

Download the free app to iOS.

Tips for finding lost jewelry in the beach sand

Meet lost jewelry in the sand requires technique and patience.

So here are some tips to increase your chances of success:

1. Choose the appropriate time for your searches

The early hours of the morning or the last few hours before sunset are the best times to search for jewelry on the beach.

Because, in addition to avoiding excessive heat and large movement of people, these times provide better visibility and less interference with metal detection.

2. Adjust app sensitivity

Adjusting the app's sensitivity is crucial.

Too high a sensitivity can result in many false positives, while too low a sensitivity can make you miss small, deeper objects.

Experiment with different settings until you find the ideal balance for the type of sand and the object you are looking for.

3. Movement and search technique

When using the app, move your phone slowly and evenly, keeping it close to the surface of the sand.

Rapid, irregular movements can cause incorrect readings.

4. Knowledge of the area

Knowing the search area is a decisive factor.

Areas near kiosks, recreation areas or beach entrances tend to be places where you are most likely to find lost objects, including jewelry.

5. Legislation and ethics in metal detection

It is important to be aware of local laws regarding metal detection.

In some regions, it may be necessary to obtain permissions, so you must always respect other people's property and archaeological finds.


You apps They are useful tools that, with the right technique, can help you find hidden treasures in the beach sand.

Remember that practice makes perfect, and with patience and persistence you may find not only gems but also a new passion for this intriguing activity.