If your dream is to participate in BBB 25, so don't miss these tips I'm going to show you so you can be called to the program.

Everyone has a dream of winning the BBB and change your life with the value of award, The fame, to the friendships and much more.


However, you need to know the tips that no one tells you to be approved and called into the program from registrations.

How do registrations for BBB 25 work?

To sign up for Big Brother Brasil 25, it is essential to access the program’s official portal on Gshow.

First, register according to the region of Brazil in which you are located.


The process of enrollment requires the applicant to complete a form detailed and send a presentation video, which is crucial for the initial assessment.

Fill in the official form by clicking here.

Important requirements for registration:

  • Age: You must be older than 18 years until the registration date.
  • Nationality: It is necessary to be Brazilian born or naturalized.
  • Presentation Video: The video must be honest and show who you really are, your motivations for entering the most watched house in Brazil, and how you can contribute to the program's entertainment.

Tips for a successful video:


Here are some tips that the very Tadeu Schmidt is talking, you can to attend just below on the official website.

  • Authenticity: Don't try to create a character; be yourself.
  • Clarity in Communication: Clearly explain why you deserve to be on the show.
  • Energy: Show your energy and enthusiasm for being part of BBB.

Program Awards:

O BBB 25 promises even more attractive prizes.

In addition to grand final prize, which traditionally reaches millions of reais, there are weekly prizes during the leadership and angel tests.

Furthermore, it has benefits within the house, such as immunities and advantages at crucial moments in the game.

Why participate in BBB?

Join Big Brother Brazil It could be a game changer in the lives of many.

In addition to the chance to win cash prizes, participants gain enormous visibility.

As such, it can open doors to new professional opportunities, including careers in media, advertising and more.

Then the BBB It's not just a game or a reality show to win the big prize of millions of reais.

Make this opportunity change your personal and professional life, gaining visibility and recognition, in addition to fighting until the end to be champion.

Good luck and wait for the answer after your inscription.