
O Brazil Aid is an official application developed by Caixa Econômica Federal.

The platform name is “CAIXA Brazil Aid”, the platform was developed in the last days of November of the year 2021.


And in this article, we're going to talk about what exactly is Brazil Aid, how it works, and how you as a citizen can participate.

Therefore, continue reading below to find out more information that is very important for those who want to participate.

What is Brazil Aid?

Auxílio Brasil is a combination of 9 basic benefits that complement the income of economically vulnerable people.


In addition, it is clear that it will be paid by the Government to those most in need.

You can now install the platform Brazil Aid on iOS (iPhone) and Android cell phones.


This app is a new adaptation of what Bolsa Família used to be, and for this reason the information of people who were already registered continues to appear.

How to access the Help Brazil application

To gain access, the official platform information indicates these ways to join:

  1. If you prefer to use the old CAIXA Tem app password, just choose the option that says: “I want to enter my CAIXA Tem password. App CAIXA Tem”.

After that, you only need to enter your password and your CPF number.

  1. If you prefer to use the password of the other official CAIXA applications, you just need to click on the option that says: “I want to enter my CAIXA password. App Help Brazil.

After that, you only need to enter your password and your CPF.

  1. If you do not have the password for any of the CAIXA apps, you will only have to choose: “I want to enter with mine from App Help Brazil”.

Or where it says “Register” and keep entering whatever you need on your smartphone screen to register in the application.

How to participate

The form of registration that the Government has stated will be the same as in the past.

It will continue to be the same way it was before for the Bolsa Família registration, that's right, through the Single Registry for Social Programs – CadÚnico.

The Cadastro Único gathers data on low-income family groups that exist in Brazil. 

It is through it that the Federal Government, states and municipalities identify the Brazilians who will be able to participate in the Program.

It is worth remembering that registration is done at a Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) or it can also be at the service center of the CadUnique.

At the time of registration, the responsible person will have to bring their original CPF or Voter Registration Card, in addition to taking copies of the other family members.

Documents can be:

  • Marriage Certificate or Birth Certificate;
  • CPF and/or Identity Card;
  • Voter ID or Employment Card
  • If the person is indigenous, Administrative Indigenous Birth Registration (RANI).

It is important to remember that after delivering the documents, the family responsible will still go through the CadÚnico interview to respond to a social interview.