
Take a virtual pregnancy test can be a good way out for those moments of doubt, because it doesn't matter if you are planning a pregnancy or not...

This theme is and will always be of extreme importance, in which it always moves a lot with all people in general, doesn't it?


Because after all, we know that there is a great responsibility in generating and raising a child, including, there are still those people who always like to emphasize:

“Children are forever”, so it is interesting that there is an organization before the baby is born, do you agree?

And of course, we are not talking about big elaborations, but at least a minimal organization, such as:


exams and consultations prenatal care, intake of important vitamins in early pregnancy and even pregnancy courses for dads. 

For this reason, it is extremely important that we discover the pregnancy as soon as possible, even to avoid adult habits that can be harmful. 


How to consume alcohol, perform high-impact physical activity and other situations. 

Do you want to know more about this topic and how to take the virtual pregnancy test? Just keep reading until the end to stay on top of everything! 

Check out these apps to take a virtual pregnancy test:

1. Online pregnancy test 12+

The application Online pregnancy test 12+ serves exactly to help people who are in doubt to find out if they are pregnant or not. 

This is because the test asks a series of questions in order to identify the various symptoms that a pregnancy can bring. 

However, in addition to the questions to better understand the context, the application also helps you count the time of pregnancy, if the result is positive. 

2. Pregnancy Test – Symptoms 4+

Are you looking for an application that can help you identify all the pregnancy symptoms in a practical and simplified way? 

So this could be the application ideal for you! 

That's because the app helps you find the approximate percentage that works exactly to understand if you're pregnant or not.

To do this, the app asks about 15 questions about you around the symptoms of pregnancy. 

It is worth mentioning that for the applications to present the closest possible results, it is necessary to answer all questions accurately.

At this point, it's not worth being lazy, as this can adulterate the result of your online exam. 

Bonus tip: know what the first symptoms of pregnancy are

The first sign that raises the alarm in people is the delay in menstruation, where it is usually more noticed by women, however, there are other symptoms that can also help to identify the symptoms, such as:

  • Pinkish vaginal discharge;
  • Colic and / or abdominal swelling;
  • Increased urge to urinate;
  • sickness;
  • Dizziness;
  • Easy fatigue;
  • More sensitive breasts.

However, we need to remember that no type of online, home or pharmacy pregnancy test replaces the blood test analyzed by a health professional. 

So, tell us, have you ever used an app to identify pregnancy? 

Enjoy and share with your friends who also like to stay on top of everything!