Undeniably, feeling pain or pain in the shoulder restricts specific exercises, such as frontal and lateral raises.

Becoming a frustrating obstacle that needs immediate attention.

Learning to activate your shoulder blades can be the first step to improving this persistent pain through better body awareness.

A warm-up aimed at the shoulder, focused on activating the scapulae, can be just the thing to alleviate pain and regain mobility.

Some keys to this activation will be presented later.

Pain for more than two weeks

Limitation of Hypertrophy

It is clear that chronic shoulder pain can lead to chronic limited movement, hindering hypertrophy and increasing the risk of injury due to inadequate recruitment of secondary muscles.

Therefore, the persistence of shoulder pain not only limits the functionality of the limb, but can also cause a chain of reactions, such as back pain, due to compensation and incorrect recruitment of surrounding muscles.

How to improve shoulder pain

The answer may lie in your back muscles

Contrary to common sense, shoulder pain can originate from the scapula; Pre-workout activation exercises improve awareness and correct execution.

Furthermore, incorporating scapular activation exercises before training and throughout the day can be a game-changer for improving shoulder pain, therefore highlighting the importance of correct execution and muscle awareness.

3 exercises

Mobilization and Relief with Dr. Amatuzzi

'First of all, Amatuzzi is an Osteopath with a PhD in pain treatment and control'

Full Website

Lie on your stomach and place your hands behind your back. Then bring your shoulder blades together and raise your hands, relaxing your shoulder blades again after each repetition.

Exercise 2: Rotation with Scapulas Together

Initially, bring your shoulder blades together, ensuring that your elbow is away from your body, and then rotate your arm in a controlled manner.

This exercise, which can be performed both with and without the use of weight, must be performed with attention to proper technique and conscious activation of the muscles involved.

It is important to highlight, however, if there is any feeling of pain or pain in the shoulder during the movement, it is prudent to immediately stop the activity to avoid worsening.

Exercise 3: Forming the “W”

Simulating a “W”, raise your arms without touching your hands to the floor, feeling the movement of the scapula and working consciously, up and down.

For a comprehensive understanding of the techniques presented, check out the full video on Instagram.

Prigoo knows that Fellipe Amatuzzi's videos can help in the process, but we emphasize that they do not replace diagnosis and personalized follow-up, get in touch via social media or the website mentioned above.

Consistency in Shoulder Training

How to achieve relief and sustainable hypertrophy

By warming up and activating the scapulae, under the guidance of a specialist, you can effectively improve pain and cramping in the shoulder and achieve hypertrophy in the medium term.