
Then the Lord God declared, “It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him” (Genesis 2:18). This biblical passage in the book of Genesis talks about the creation of the first man, Adam, and his need for a mate.

Regardless of any religious belief, the phrase has been interpreted by many as an affirmation of the importance of human companionship and interpersonal relationships for human well-being.


In the field of love, many people dream of finding their soulmate. Connection and a sense of belonging enable people to thrive and find meaning and purpose in life.

See that even among people who believe in soul mates, there are disagreements, as some people believe that each individual has a soul mate, a person who is perfectly compatible and destined to be with them forever. Other people believe that there are many people in the world who could be considered soul mates and that it is possible to find a deep and lasting connection with more than one person over a lifetime.

And you, have you found your soulmate yet?

The idea of a soulmate is often associated with someone with whom you have a deep and meaningful connection that is unique and inexplicable. While there is no single or precise definition of a soulmate, it is generally based on personal, cultural and/or religious experiences.


Based on that, we offer a fun way for you to find out what the first letter of your soulmate's name could be, it's quick and easy, take the quiz and find out:

As social beings, humans have an innate desire for connection and belonging. It is important to remember that belief in soul mates is a personal matter and is not a universal belief. Each person has their own experiences and beliefs about love and relationships.


What is incontrovertible is the importance of interpersonal relationships for mental and physical health. Science has shown that personal relationships are extremely important. Here are some of the most significant findings:

  • Better mental health: Research shows that people with strong social connections are at lower risk of developing depression, anxiety and other mental disorders. In addition, those facing mental health issues tend to recover more quickly when they have strong social support.
  • Better physical health: Studies indicate that people with stronger relationships have a lower risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, strokes and other medical conditions. Social connection also appears to boost immunity and help fight infections.
  • Greater longevity: Research shows that people with stronger social ties tend to live longer. In fact, social connectedness can have as strong an impact on longevity as factors like smoking and obesity.
  • More happiness: Social connection is one of the main predictors of happiness and subjective well-being. People who have positive personal relationships generally report higher levels of happiness and life satisfaction.
  • Increased resilience: Social connection can help foster resilience in the face of challenges and adversity. Having strong social support can help people cope with stressful situations and overcome obstacles.

The idea that there is only one person who is perfectly compatible with you and who is your soul mate is a romantic belief with no scientific basis. So, the important thing is to value and appreciate the connections you have with the people in your life, regardless of whether they are considered “soul mates” or not.