
In times of earthquakes, hurricanes, attacks and shootings, traveling, unfortunately, does not always mean tranquility and rest.

We can say that if some of these natural disasters happen, they can be predicted a few days in advance.


This ends up giving us the opportunity to prepare, cancel trips, change plans or simply take shelter. That's why today we're going to introduce you to an app about earthquakes and hurricanes.

They are essential applications when a natural disaster is about to happen, others simply happen when we least expect the same thing to happen (unfortunately more often).

App sobre terremotos e furacões
App about earthquakes and hurricanes

Some we couldn't predict like bombings and shootings. As much as we complain about cell phone dependence, we must assume that we need technology a lot.


This can help save lives and reassure family and friends when we are traveling and something unexpected happens. Check out!

Weather Update

The first app we're going to talk about is the Weather Update, which is a collaborative app, it looks a lot like the Waze app for the weather.


Inside it, it brings quite complete information about the weather in the chosen location, in addition to being able to see photos, interactive information from radars and satellite maps.

It's a good one to monitor the area you'll be in, download it to your android or iOS.

Disaster Alert

Now speaking of this application, which is very easy to use, is provided by the Pacific Disaster Center in Hawaii.

With it is a great tool to be warned about hurricanes, fires, tsunamis, storms, floods, earthquakes and the like.

You can look through the map or select by type of natural disaster. This ends up making life easier for people to install in their iOS or android.

doctor Drauzio First Aid

Speaking now of an application that is quite uncomplicated, let's talk about Dr. Drauzio First Aid. This application serves not only for major emergencies but also for accidents and day-to-day scares.

Using it, you can prevent yourself, as it is always better than cure. For you to have this application on your cell phone, it costs nothing.

Being in Portuguese, it helps a lot when nervous. Being able to install in android or iOS.

Keep reading…


An app that is owned by US governments. However, it applies to American territories (in addition to the mainland states, Guam, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Mariana Islands, Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Palau and the Minor Islands).

Using this application, you have information within it that is always up to date. About shelters, services and where to go for help.

But it also has a handy guide for anyone finding themselves in an emergency situation after a natural disaster. Download it right now on your iOS or android.

trusted contacts

Esse aplicativo Contatos de confiança, tem como criador, o prórpio Google. Onde este aplicativo permite que você compartilhe sua localização com alguns contatos escolhidos previamente.

Your location can be shared all the time or when someone requests it. If you are unable to respond to requests, your last location ends up being sent automatically, even if you are offline or out of battery.

This application is very interesting so download it on your Android and iOS.

First Aid Brazil

Finally, let's talk about the First Aid Brazil application. Like Drauzio Varella's application, this Red Cross application gives important first aid tips in a very didactic way.

It has within it another cool function of the application is the Emergencies Abroad. But that ends up giving a list of all contacts outside Brazil in a simple and quick way.

Super useful for those who travel a lot. Install on your Android or iOS mobile device.