
Today we are going to talk about some apps for you to discover your personality, including testing your professional profile.

With this application, you can find out about the professional profile of your team and yourself, thus becoming a better way of guiding tasks within the company and achieving better results.


Check it out now!

personality test

Discovering your profile helps to develop skills, such as emotional intelligence, and good practices to avoid fatigue in the entrepreneurial journey. To help with self-knowledge, there are personality tests that we will show you here. These tests also help you to better understand the people around you. Can be applied to:

  • Recruitment and selection.
  • Relocation and promotion.
  • Vocational orientation.
  • Strategic planning.

What are personality tests?

Be aware that behavioral profile tests aim to identify people with certain behaviors. Using these tests, you have the possibility to check attitudes in different everyday situations. 


But why understand these reactions? We can say that it is relevant to understand how the individual reacts in problematic or everyday situations. So you will know so that you can hire a person aligned with the organizational culture. 

Descubra sua personalidade
discover your personality

keep reading…


Do you know how personality tests work? If not, let us explain. With these tests you can carry out interviews, dynamics or online forms to analyze behavioral profiles. And if you are going to take the test in a company, you have other options, it is the use of the STAR or DISC methodologies.

At STAR, interviews are applied in which four aspects are analyzed: “S” of situation or context; “T” for task or responsibility in a given scenario; “A” for action or attitudes taken; and “R” for results on certain actions.

The DISC methodology performs a behavioral assessment through a questionnaire. She reveals four types of profiles know now:

  • Influence: You have great ease of communication and influence others in a natural way. It's a profile that can start many tasks, but complete few;
  • dominance: they are people who like to achieve results and goals, but who have characteristics of self-centeredness in their behavior;
  • Stability: works as a team and has the ability to cooperate. However, it does not react well to change and risk;
  • Conformity: ensures accuracy and competence in activities, but can be very demanding with himself.

Discover the apps

There are several apps for conducting personality tests. We separate three free ones for you to know, test them all and learn more about yourself.

First let's talk about inhale, which lasts about 20 minutes and deals with present issues, leaving aside the future. 

But when we talk about RunRun, it is a DISC test that has 16 questions within it, for you to answer and find out more about your personality.

And finally, let's talk about Mr. coach which is an application based on the DISC method and has 40 questions to be answered.

So now take advantage of free personality tests to create a map of your personality and also of all the people you want. The results can help you develop empathy, discover talents and allocate people to the right projects, in addition to knowing more about that person or about yourself.