
In Brazil, many people live looking for free dental implant by SUS.

After all, it is known that no matter how much care is taken with the oral health, even so, a visit to the dentist is indispensable.


Since it is extremely important for human health as a whole. Even at some point, it may be necessary to dental implant.

So why not look for the shape free? the SUS is at our disposal so that we can carry out our health treatments, including with Dental services for free!

Since quality health should be offered to the entire Brazilian population, such as: preventive treatments and restorative treatments, O SUS can support us.


And, it is exactly through the Smiling Brazil Program that people can receive free treatments by SUS.

Discover the Smiling Brazil Program


In the same way that other areas of health have programs that guarantee acts of prevention, the SUS also works with an area to dental treatments.

Oral health treatments occur through this Program, named by smiling Brazil, which has been helping citizens for about 15 years.

The main objective of the program is to help people to have oral health in a practical and accessible way. That is, since we pay a lot of taxes, at least we need some of these values to return in services.

In addition to providing care for the oral health, the program employs several dental professionals every year. 

With the main objective of bringing benefits to professionals in the area and to the people who participate in such a program.

Discover the main dental treatments offered for free by SUS:   

See the list of procedures offered by the program Smiling Brazil within the SUS:

  • Restorations;
  • Extractions;
  • Dental braces for free;
  • Prosthesis 
  • Wisdom removal;
  • Endodontics;
  • Tartar removal;
  • Dental implant;
  • Biopsies;
  • Fluorine application;
  • Caries treatment;
  • Oral exams;
  • Specialized Periodontics;
  • Orthognathic surgery;
  • Cleanings;
  • Among other treatments more.
Free dental implant by SUS

Who can access the benefits offered

As mentioned earlier, the free and quality health must be guaranteed as a right of all citizens.

In this way, every Brazilian will be able to participate and enjoy the benefits that are made available, since the program is covered by SUS.

But it is important to point out that the Smiling Brazil program will give priority to people with low income. that is, the SUS will always do a pre-screening to find out whether or not you can participate in the program.

How to participate?

Although everyone can benefit from the treatments, not all cities currently participate in the smiling Brazil program.

There are several reasons that justify the absence of treatments in some regions, one of them is the lack of qualified dentists to attend the smiling Brazil program.

1. So, the first point is to check if the SUS program is available in your city. 

2. To check, just go to the website of the smiling Brazil, or go in person at a UBS (Basic Health Unit), closest to your home. 

Take your documents with you: RG or CNH and SUS card.

3. After checking availability on Rua Cidade, just make an appointment with the dentist who participates in the smiling Brazil program and start your treatment.

What did you think of this information? Enjoy and share with your friends who also need to take care of their teeth for free. 

And remember: the Smiling Brazil program it's one more reason for you to smile! 

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