
Knowing the facial features, skin color, and physical characteristics of who could be your baby must be incredible, right? For that reason, if you are mamá or papa, first I need to know them digital applications that show how your children will be in the future.

It's not about prediction, it's about logic applied through artificial intelligence, which manages to recognize similarities between priests to generate a complete result for the face and body of the baby.


Even though the results are not 100% reliable, through the algorithms it is possible find deeply similar semejanzas And at the same time free entertainment, since the results are often surprising and funny.

Best of all is that you can try the times you want “Match” to view different genetic answers.

As if you want getting to know the little ones from home before they are born, In the Play Store you will find several apps for Android that will help you satisfy your curiosity. Find out which are the applications that show how your kids will be.

Image credit: Google

Best apps that show how your kids will be for Android 

1. Baby Generator


An application that uses artificial intelligence to analyze the facial features of the baby's face by means of a virtual scanner. Baby Generator merges the images with good lighting and quality of the standards to transmit effectiveness of the results and entertainment.

Baby Generator is a free app that contains advertising to be able to use all the tools and work around it program la esencia del niño.

2. Baby Maker


Another app that performs facial recognition of future children. Its main function is based on producing verisimilitude with details to predict baby traits, combining facial characteristics of both fathers and genetic history.

To obtain more reliable results, manufacturers claim that by adding age, gender, skin color, hair, and eyes, you can press the button with a heart to discover the best kept secret of your love relationship.

The app will create a baby just like you say its name, then will give a percentage of coincidence con la mejor de las noticias combining results from los padres. BabyMaker is available for free download on the Google Play store. 

3. Know your future baby

In the description of the app there is an invitation to spend a fun time for play at being a daddy or at least dream it. Finding new sensations with the arrival of a new member at home is the objective of Meet your future baby. 

But don't worry. You can also test with the face of your ex-boyfriend, current boyfriend or that boy you like so much to see how the children would see themselves together with him!

Download for free, and don't miss them advertising to be able to access all functions with greater freedom. 

4. BabyPredictor

Finally we find ourselves with an application that plays to be God, since on the ground it invites us to know how our son will be, but which, in addition, also shows us how it will be in the long run.

To achieve an effective result, you must introduce the predominant traits of the father or mother, according to the selection we made. Unlike other applications, BabyPredictor does not allow us to establish any feature of the child, so leave it all up to chance.

To use the application, you need a frontal photograph of the priests looking at the face and with good lighting, without shadows on the face, that's how you take care of the quality of the image.

BabyPredictor, is available for your free download, includes ads and purchases within the application to eliminate advertising and gain access to all functions.