Today we are going to know the best applications for cell phones and that way you will be able to measure your glucose.

That's why we've separated some of the best apps for you, they are mobile apps that help you measure and maintain your health and the health of everyone who uses the app.


For those who have a high blood sugar level and who need to measure it daily, having everything on your cell phone is more practical.

As much as there are not so many applications with this function at the moment, there are some that have been developed and others that are in the process of being developed.

So, we are going to introduce you to apps that have already been launched and that can help you measure your blood sugar levels.



This first application that we have to present to you is available for Android and iOS cell phones. It is an application that is very different from the others, as it is not exactly a glucose meter for patients, it is more like an advisor.

In this sense, he helps the patient with disease care schedules and routines. So you can have control of how your glucose is.


Therefore, this mobile application assists in the patient's daily life and prevents him from forgetting a procedure that he must perform in his daily life. Can be downloaded on Android and iOS.

iOS: Glic | Diabetes and Glucose in the App Store (

Android: Glic – Diabetes and Glycemia – Apps on Google Play

freestyle free

In second place, we brought the Freestyle Libre, with it diabetics can discard what they used years ago, which was a device, but specifically a sensor on the arm to measure the amount of glucose in the blood.

In that sense, the sensor was sold by the company that developed the app today.

However, the application emerged to make life easier for patients and measure glucose in a simpler and more comfortable way. You just need to download the app on your phone and start using it.

So after putting the sensor on your arm, just pass the app through the sensor so that it indicates and shows the amount of sugar in your blood. Very simple and available for all devices.

Android: FreeStyle LibreLink – US – Apps on Google Play

iOS: FreeStyle LibreLink – US on the App Store (

Glucose Control

Finally, we have this application that is combined with a glucometer that the patient has. But if by chance you don't have one, buy one to be able to use the app's features correctly.

After that, you will be able to use the app calmly to measure and stay safe in relation to your blood sugar level.

It has several features such as: Blood glucose control; the alarms so you don't forget to take your medication; record your lab tests and/or medical examinations; feeding tips; and you can create a profile for a diabetic and pre-diabetic person.

It is only available for Android devices, click on the link: Glucose Tracking – Apps on Google Play