
Nowadays, technology makes our lives easier, in the way we communicate, how we move around and even how we consume. There are so many practical things that it is almost impossible to do without the internet and technology. So they created apps that help you choose your hair cut.

We know that having information is everything and that's why the internet is here to help us. When we want to look for references, techniques and news and it also helps us a lot when choosing any hair change. Being able to discover color trends, or even find new hairstyle tutorials and even be inspired by famous cuts and people we admire and post on social networks and end up creating a desire to do something different in the look.


Therefore, there are numerous applications that simulate cuts, dyes and hairstyles, as filters from your photo and show a change in your look. So we dove into a search and found the best free hair makeover or hair simulation apps. Thus finding a new look for you.

Hair Color Genius

The first application is called Hair Color Genius, it is an application that simulates the change you want from just a photo of your face, so it will give you a huge catalog of shades, it will show you different textures and the degree your children's curvature so you can find an ideal dye for your hair.

This application gives you confidence so that you can decide the ideal color of your hair, so you can change your look without feeling insecure. It is available for Android and iOS.

Virtual Hairstyler


This second application called Virtual Hairstyler, is ideal if you are not sure what to do with your hair, this application has the potential to solve all your doubts, helping you to decide the new look. offers nearly 12,000 hairstyle variations as well as hair color, including the color and hairstyle of some celebrities.

Within it you have the option to use a photo of yourself from your gallery that shows your face and hair very well, or you can also use the photos of models that are available in the application for you. Available for Android and iOS devices.

Hairstyle Changer


we arrived at the third application that we are going to show you today, its name is Hairstyle Changer. This is a great option and quite renowned among the applications for haircuts, because it has a wide range of resources, thus also allowing you to view new hairstyles, changes in your hair cut and also change in color. This app is only available for Android devices.


And finally, we arrived at the last application that we are going to introduce you to, this is a haircut simulator that you can try on different beauties, even the same as celebrities, also including accessories, makeup and so you can imagine with a complete look even in a Red carpet.

To use it is very simple, you just need to put a photo of yourself in the available models and test all the inspirations. if you want to try a new haircut or even a new color then this can be said to be one of the best apps. In order for you to try out these possibilities, you just take a photo and the application assembles different cuts for you, and you decide which one best fits your new look. Inside it is also possible to simulate some hairstyles. It can be installed on iOS and Android devices.