The practice of running has been gaining a lot of space in Brazil and around the world, all for the reason that to run, two elements are enough to practice running, such as: Tennis and Willpower. But we will see today that it is not just about that, but that other foundations are needed for the practice of this sport.

The origin

The origin of running emerged in prehistory, when many men needed to move quickly in order to hunt or escape predators. For historically the most famous race would have been the one that gave rise to the race we know today as the marathon: in the year 490 BC It all started with a man who was responsible for bringing the news to Athens that the Greeks had beaten the Persians in battle of Marathon. But the man would have run 35 kilometers, and when he would have given the news, he would have fallen to the ground, already dead. Obviously, everything is just a legend that there is no historical evidence that this really happened, but the fact is that this legend boosted the entry of the marathon race in the first edition of the modern Olympic Games, in 1896.


The running tests nowadays are part of the athletics modality and are divided into speed and resistance tests. There are also speed tests, which are those involving explosions, which are covered over a short distance in the shortest possible time. Endurance events, on the other hand, are characterized by being medium and long distance, so that the physical resistance of the athletes is tested. Speed events are those in which athletes must travel up to 400 meters; those of medium depth have trajectory between 800 and 1500 meters; and the bottom ones go from 3,000 meters to the marathon, reaching their limit in the ultramarathon.

We all treat running as a competitive sport, but it serves a lot as a physical activity, people who practice aim at their health both mentally and physically. We will now talk about this type of race:

In 1980, there was the dissemination of Kenneth Cooper's ideas about a slow race, which became known as cooper. Many people adhered to this practice, but the thought that all people should travel the same distance, regardless of their physical condition, soon became outdated. But nowadays we know that the practice of any physical activity is very necessary and so be aware of your physical preparation:


We can say that if a sedentary person wants to start running, he or she should always go through a transition period through moderate walking, moving on to intense walking, until you start light jogging. It is also possible to alternate intense walking and jogging, until the cardiorespiratory capacity satisfies a moderate or even intense run.

We know that running helps to control body mass, which helps to maintain diabetes control, thus helping to reduce your emotional background problems. However, for those who run, it ends up having a very intense impact on their knees. So, if you want to minimize this impact, you need to use shoes with good cushioning and not be too overweight. For the overpriced increase the impact on the joint.


Finally, it is necessary to consult a cardiologist before starting the practice, in order to verify that there are no heart problems. That's because running is not recommended in cases of blood pressure and among others. Therefore, always consult a cardiologist before starting running.