
Did you know that there are apps that simulate your child's face?

If you think about having children, have you ever wondered what they will look like?


Will they pull your eyes out? Or your nose? 

These are details that cannot be foreseen.

But did you know that there are several apps that simulate your baby?


You select your photo, with your partner's photo.

The application automatically selects your physical characteristics and that's it. 


Finally, you have a small idea of how the couple's combination will be. 

Of course you can innovate and use creativity. 

How about knowing what your child with Brad Pitt would be like, for example? The possibilities are endless.

These apps do not have any scientific references. Therefore, its purpose is entertainment only.  

Keep reading to discover some apps that simulate your child's face. 

BabyGenerator - Predict your future baby face

This app will surprise you with the result. 

It would be impossible to analyze people's genetics through an app, wouldn't it?

Thus, the chosen technology is different. 

It uses incredible artificial intelligence technology. This technology accurately analyzes the characteristics of your people.

In this way, the result is very similar and cool. 

Of course it may not match reality, but does it match? 

App mostra com quem o bebê se parece

How to use: 

First, download the application. 

Click here to download on Android. 

Soon after, choose the photo of mom and dad. 

Click on the heart icon and wait. 

In a few seconds you see the result. 

In addition, the application has other features.

You can create collages with photos of your family and friends, for example.

Your future baby face

Another option for you to have fun. 

Click here to download on iPhone. 

How to use: 

First, load the photos you want to combine into the app. 

You can use photos that already exist on your cell phone, or take new photos. 

Soon after you must click on the heart and wait for the result. 

Your baby's possible face will appear for you to use as you wish. 

How about sharing on social media? Will your friends know whose match it is? 

Combine photos of friends and celebrities too. 

Like Parent

This option is available on all devices completely free of charge. 

Click here to download on iPhone.

The operation is very similar to the previous applications. 

First you must choose the photo of the child's parents and place them inside the app.

When he delivers the result, you'll be able to see the percentage of similarity with each one. I mean, pretty cool, right? 

It is important to emphasize that all these apps are for fun and entertainment only. 

That is, both those of simulating the baby, and those of aging, have no connection with reality. 

However, they are an excellent option to have fun.

Don't forget to share with friends.