Glucose, also known as sugar, is an important source of energy for us and all living beings. It is acquired through food and we call its levels in our blood glucose. The concentration of glucose in our body is regulated by two hormones produced in the pancreas: insulin and glucagon.
While insulin is responsible for ensuring that glucose enters the cells, thus lowering its blood level, glucagon has the opposite action by causing the sugar reserve to be broken and its blood levels to increase.
Having too high or too low a blood sugar level is unhealthy. So, to keep your glucose at the proper level, you can:
- Avoid soft drinks;
- Minimize the intake of sweets, chewing gum, chocolates and candies;
- Include fruits and vegetables in your menu;
- Try to eat every 3 hours so that you consume a smaller amount of food at a time;
- Increase your daily physical activity.
Anyone suffering from a glucose-related illness needs to be extra careful with their blood glucose level. The possibility of a peaceful life, even with a disease like diabetes, for example, is a reality. But for that, patients need to try to practice physical exercise, pay attention to their diet and frequently monitor their blood sugar levels; interspersed with medication, if necessary.
Taking care of health is a priority and, with technology, it is easier to maintain this constant care; It is already possible to measure the level of blood glucose through applications on cell phones. Check out some options below:
- FreeStyle LibreLink
FreeStyle was already a well-known name for marketing a sensor worn on the arm that helped check blood glucose in real time with a reader. The system has been improved and now it is possible to count on an app for such activity.
Now, all you have to do is download the app for free on your cell phone and bring the device closer to the sensor to see how your blood sugar is doing.
2. MySugr – Diabetes Diary
With the hbZ1c estimate, carb and blood glucose tracker, bolus calculator and other options you can control your blood sugar. This is an app suitable for people with type 1, type 2 or gestational diabetes.
3. Diabetes Connect
With this app, you can conveniently record data related to diabetes, such as meal control, insulin injections, medications and, of course, measuring your blood sugar level. It is indicated for people with type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes.
4. Glic
This is an app recommended by the Brazilian Society of Diabetes and, with it, you can count on an automatic calculation of the correction dose for your glycemic index. To do so, simply enter your index and then specify which foods were eaten during the day. Glic will provide you with a complete report with daily graphs of blood glucose, carb counts and much more.
Remember that even with all the technology, it is recommended that the specialized doctor be consulted frequently.
Did you see just how many options to help you with health care? Test the apps and tell us about your experience.