
Ballet is a very complete exercise that works your body, mind and soul. Which end up bringing you incalculable benefits. One of the most important information about Classical Ballet is that it was considered one of the most complete physical exercises in the world.

The aspects that dancers show in their results are their physical conditioning, which they bring mainly in aspects of psychological balance, body balance and flexibility. See what are the main benefits of practicing Ballet:

  • It improves your breathing, as it ends up controlling your breathing frequency more and stimulates blood circulation in your lungs.
  • It improves your posture, Ballet always works with awareness of the positioning of your spine, neck, concentration on your back and abdomen to maintain positions.
  • It works on your flexibility, the movements are performed in an elongated way, which ends up bringing a work of natural amplitude of the body, due to the fact that the basic steps are even the most worked with stretching.
  • It works on your agility and accuracy of movements, as Ballet movements are clean, exact, with counted times, with the rhythm of Ballet.
  • Strengthen your muscles, any exercise we use strength, whether repeated quickly or slowly, our muscles begin to develop intelligently to better withstand stimuli, whether in the leg muscles, buttocks, abdomen, arms or the heart itself.
  • It works your abdominal muscles and reduces your measurements, as the Ballet posture is almost an eternal sit-up.
  • Improves your hand-eye coordination for small and large movements, usually working on sets, your hips, arms and head.
  • It stimulates your cardiovascular conditioning, with the combination of controlled breathing, plus the stimulation of blood circulation, so your heart feels the need to work harder and become more resistant.
  • It promotes your sense of well-being, due to the fact that activities done with music release more endorphins, it ends up improving the central nervous system, providing an increase in self-esteem, which reduces your depressive and anxiety symptoms, while still maintaining control of your appetite.
  • It promotes your body awareness, ends up making you muscles you didn't even know existed, so learn to control them.

All these benefits mentioned above bring other benefits derived from them such as: improving posture immediately frees you from some back pain; strengthening muscles and improving flexibility prevents knee and ankle pain that is caused by cartilage deficiencies as you learn to better balance weight distribution in your gait; there is also the fact that you have much more body awareness and motor coordination, which greatly improves your perception of minor injuries, as you begin to perceive the muscles, bones, nerves and everything that works when you make minimal movements.

Ballet makes us better aware of our body, our ranges and limitations, it makes us feel stronger and more willing. Ballet also helps a lot with weight loss in a healthy way, as it is an extremely functional exercise, with various types of dance helping with weight loss.