
Have you ever heard of rugby? We explain how this sport works. This sport originated in England in the 19th century. This sport gained a popularity that the sport did not expect, which it achieved over the years, which required a very regular creation called the Rugby Football Union, in its country of origin.

This sport was in the Olympic Games in the years 1900, 1908, 1920 and 1924. In this way the sport won its own competition, called the Rugby Union World Cup, which is played and held every 4 years. Being the third most watched event in the world today, behind the World Cup and the Olympic Games themselves.

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Rugby is a sport that can be played by people of both sexes, divided into two teams. Being a modality that causes intense physical contact, it is necessary to use protective equipment, so that you do not get hurt, because when using boots, shoulder pads, mouthpiece, cap, you will have more protection.

In its main variant, teams have 15 starters and 7 substitutes, and the game takes place both in open and closed spaces. The objective is to add points, which can be obtained in different ways, all similar to American football.

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try: This is worth five points and occurs when the player crosses the opponent's baseline and lands the ball on the ground.


Conversion: After a try, the team will be entitled to a conversion, that is, a shot on goal. Worth two points.

Pity: It has the value of three points, and occurs when the judge determines a penalty after serious faults. Gives the right to kick on goal.


Drop Goal: And finally, the Drop Goal is also worth three points, and occurs when the player kicks the ball and it goes over the beam and between the opposing team's beams. The ball must be on the ground before the kick.

Rugby Rules and Positions

As we said initially, teams are made up of 15 players: those numbered 1 to 8 are called attackers, while those numbered 9 to 15 are called lines. The field positions are as follows:

Let's start by talking about Left Support (Loosehead Prop), Heeler (Hooker), Right Support (Tighthead Prop), Second Row (Second Row), Second Row (Second Row), Blind Wing (Flanker Blindside), Open Wing (Flanker Openside), Eighth (Number 8), Scrum-half (Scrum-half), Fly-half, Left Wing (Extreme Left), First Center (Inner Center), Second Center (Outer Center), Right Wing (Right Wing) and Defender (Wide).

  1. Matches last 80 minutes, divided into two regular halves of 40 minutes. In knockout matches, if the match ends in a tie, the teams go into overtime.
  2. The referee is made up of three on-field referees, one main referee and two lateral referees.
  3. There may also be a fourth referee and even a video referee, the ball must be passed with the hands, and only backwards or to the sides. Carrying the ball forward is only allowed with the feet.
  4. A player can throw the opponent to the ground to try to steal the ball.
  5. The scrambled formation is when the attackers of the two teams make formations, one counting the other. It is usually used in penalties.
  6. In addition to the scrum, penalties can be scored with clearance (kick forward), run (run with the ball) and penalty goal (kick between the posts).
  7. Players can be punished with a yellow card, which expels them from the field for ten minutes, or with a red card, which expels them from the match.