
The application that we are going to show you here is from Google, and Google Maps is the best known application and perhaps the most used when it comes to creating a route or if you want to discover a new path, here you will find the applications that you can see your city with satellite images.

With this information that satellite applications provide you, you can have a real-time view of your city, so you get some more important help that many people would like to have when they are looking for a specific location.


With these aids you can have the information of even which public transport you should take from your place to the destination where you want to go. So learn a little more about Google Maps here, so you can make your day to day even easier.

Within the application you have various information, which at first are more important, with the applications you will be able to see your city with satellite images, so you will be very well informed even of the lane where you are going.

Learn more about what you can learn using these apps, and even more, learn how to enable the feature on your phone.

Google Earth on your mobile


We will first explain how to see your city with satellite images, so follow the steps below. The first step is to open the Google Earth on your cell phone, and select the option “types of maps”. Afterwards, some options will appear, choose the satellite option. Finally, you enable the satellite option on your cell phone, just start using it now. Some of the information options may appear when you select them, as it is very important to define what you need to know and wait for the information from the application that will teach you.

Therefore, you can obtain information about the relief of the place where you are going, the traffic of how it will be, public transport and even the paths for bicycles. With the option of street view, you can get a different and very good view completely in 3D, bringing you a feeling of walking through the streets you chose to walk. In this way, leaving home for work and even a trip becomes even safer, avoiding any risk.

Satellite App – Free and Fun


With the application you will have a view of the city by satellite, it can be important at different times of your life, you can see how your city's public transport is, set the best times to use public transport, thus being able to observe the traffic of the city. your city in real time, this can contribute to the way you get around daily. You can search for tourist sites, available bus lines and even find out if there are parking spaces on site.

With this application you are safer with the paths you need to go, being able to see the available paths and ways to get there, so you can go more safely.